Gray colored firm gumpaste. This really needs to be a very firm paste.
Fondant roller
Gum Glue ( 1/4 tsp Tylose mixed with 1 tsbp hot water )
(for decorative use only)
Roll out gumpaste about 1/8"(*or a bit more) thickness on a well dusted board.( *A bit thicker is better
on the spurs to maintain stability during the drying process.)
Using wheel cutter, cut one using pattern. Flip pattern and cut one more.
Texture your spurs using a textured roller or impression mat. Or find something around your house that
would make an appropriate texture. In this case, I used an ivory cased carving set. It worked great to
Cover the spurs with plastic wrap to protect from drying,
and paint the daisy using gold highlighter.
Uncover and turn the spurs over. Using the white colored portion
of your pattern as a guide, moisten the spurs with gumglue.
Now press the spurs together as shown.
Place the spur on the cutter ( as shown) to dry.
If your spurs want to slip, secure lightly with tape.
The firmer the gumpaste, the less likely to move or stretch.
daisy if necessary, then
spray with sugar lacquer to set the luster dust.
Spur Pattern Below
Tutorial and Photography by Jacque Benson
Copyright 2010
This material may not be reproduced without permission from the author.
Tutorial and Photography by Jacque Benson
Copyright 2010
This material may not be reproduced without permission from the author.