Every year, cake decorators from around the world converge upon Tulsa, Oklahoma to participate in the Oklahoma State Sugar Arts Show ( OSSAS ). This year, I was fortunate to be there and compete. I competed in the show in 2006. It was not only my first cake competition, but my first time to visit the OSSAS. Being a complete newbie in 2006, it was such an overwhelming experience and much of it is a blur in my memory.
This year, knowing exactly what to expect, I was more fully able to appreciate the experience. I spent much time admiring the incredible entries of so many creative and talented decorators. I snapped photos until the battery in my camera died. I didn't get photos of all the entries, and unfortunately am still looking through discs ( yes, I said discs--compact discs---that my ancient camera requires) trying to find photos of cakes that I was sure I had captured, but haven't located.
Here are a few of the photos I do have and would love to share...just a teeny weeny part of this incredible show!
The theme of the Wedding Cake Competition this year was "Sea and Shore". The entries for this were stunning and exquisite. The Winner of the Grand Prize was Mercedes Strachwsky. This photograph just doesn't capture the magnificence of this cake! It had a coral reef with unbelievable detail, beautiful mermaids on the sides, a lovely and perfect color palette, dainty piping and a fabulous design flow. It was hard to take my eyes off this creation because there was so much to see. A Prize well deserved!
The first runner up ( and honestly, I don't envy the judges job. It must have been incredibly difficult!) was the creation of Robin Van Hoozer. From the hand modeled sugarpaste mermaids, the pearl swirls and the detailed lighthouse on top, it was the epitome of perfection and incredible to see!! Truly beautiful!
Here is a closeup of one of the exquisite mermaids.
Another fabulous entry was the cake by Dawn Parrott. It, also, had a detailed coral reef, beautiful sugarpaste details and incredibly fine sugar stringwork, which unfortunately cannot be seen in this capture.
Another beautiful wedding cake was created by the very talented Dena Bryngelson. The inlaid sugarpaste mother of pearl on the base was beautiful, as was her painted sugarpaste shells and exquisite stringwork.
And besides the Wedding Cake Competetion, there are more cakes from every aspect of the cake decorating world. From children to the masters, cake decorators are able to express their wonderful creativity in the many divisions and categories of this show.
Again, I was unable to get photos of all the amazing entries, but want to share a few.
This cake, looked like a hanging chandelier won a first place ribbon, and was created by Master Sugar Artist, Kim Payne.
Ruth Kirmser took home a ribbon with this beautiful sugarpaste doll. Ruth's sugarwork is always so detailed and beauty unsurpassed!
Erin Solerno travel all the way from Milwaukee to enter her adorable creation. Erin and I are Flickr Friends, and it was such a joy to meet her in person. She is gorgeous!!
I wish I could have gotten a photo from the back. What you cannot see is the tiny place setting inside this little sugar domicile. The detail was incredible. Erin won a ribbon for her artwork!
Another ribbon winner was Tammy Strobel. She also won Best of Show in the SugarWonders Cake Competition for this adorable entry.
This year, I was able to travel with my dear friend, Susie Hazard. Susie is a perfectionist to the 'nth degree, and it really shows in her entry this year. Susie won a ribbon for this creation!
The pearl cake board is amazing as is the tiny hand modeled sugarpaste roses made from a teeeeeeny five petal cutter. They were breathtaking!
As you can see in the former picture, there is a sign in the background with the warning "Do Not Touch Me". It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to not touch someone else's entry, whether an admirer or another competitor placing thier own entry on the table. Unfortunately, some one ignored this sign and broke several of the delicate petals on some of these tiny roses. Sadly, they cannot be repaired.
Here is a closeup of Susie's incredibly detailed work.
Finally, I was fortunate to be able to enter this year. Interestingly enough, the idea for this cake began to emerge from the theme of the 2008 Wedding Cake Challenge "The Language of Flowers". Hoping to be able to participate in 2008, I had started thinking of the Language of Flowers. It was then that I re-aquainted myself with Mary Cicely Barker's "Flower Fairies". Her beautiful illustrated works were a joyful memory from my childhood. Although, I was unable to make the 2008 show, the idea of the "Flower Fairies" stuck with me.
Deciding that it would be so much fun to recreate Ms Barker's Fairies, I wrote the publisher to ask permission to use the intellectual property of Mary Cicely Barker. I was elated when they granted permission.
When I saw that one of the categories was called "Off to the Races" -( Hat cakes that women have sported at the races throughout the years), I found the perfect opportunity to recreate these little creatures.
I decided that I would let them decorate the floral adorned hat cake.
Here is the Hat Cake for the "Off to the Races" category.

And a few closeups of the flowers...
And the "Flower Fairies" closeup.
The Flower Fairies
Inspired by The Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker
Frederick Warne & Co. is the owner of all rights, copyrights and trademarks in Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies character names and illustrations.
Used With permission of Frederick Warne & Co.
I think the Flower Fairies really must be magical. This entry won two blue ribbons. I am truly honored.
Oklahoma State Sugar Arts Show is an incredible experience. Whether you are a cake decorator who wants an opportunity to create art, or someone who just appreciates art; you should take the time next autumn to participate in this incredible event.