
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Making a Sugar Christmas tree

Supplies :

Waffle Cones for Ice cream

Small bowl with 1/2 inch water


Forest Green Royal Icing

Piping bag with #67
Piping tip

Yellow colored Gumpaste

3/4" Five petal or Star Cutter

Gumglue or piping gel

Wilton Pastel Candies

Place two waffle cones together as shown.

Place in shallow water for 15- 20 seconds.

Remove from water and, using scissors, cut away soft edge of cone

until bottom edge is even and level.

Using royal icing, attach the cones to make "trees".

Starting at bottom of tree, begin piping leaves pulling out as you pipe.

Continue until you have filled the tree with "fir branches", leaving about 3/4" at top bare so you can move your tree into place. When the tree is placed where you want it on your cake or board, you can fill in the remainder of the top of the tree.

Roll out yellow gumpaste to about 1/4" thickness and cut out a star using your cutter. Place a yellow pastel candy on both sides of star, using gumglue or piping gel. Place on top of tree and secure with royal icing. Hold in place until firmly set.

Decorate your tree with colored pastels and dragees, securing with fresh royal icing if needed.

Photography and Tutorial by Jacque Benson
2009 copyright all rights reserved


  1. Perfect for landscaping a gingerbread house. Thanks for your generosity. I have to say, however, that my mouth waters over the picture of the Key Lime Christmas Tree. Would love to see a tutorial on that.

  2. That you Jo! As a matter of fact, I made that Key Lime tree for a demonstration at the Keller Library Cookie Exchange.(for some reason, I forgot to put it in the tutorial links)

    The tutorial is Here--

    Thank you for asking!
