
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Faerie Magick

"The world is full of Magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."

~Bertrand Russell~

I have always loved faeries and magic. I still love them today.

Fairy tales enthralled me as a child.  They still fill me with joy.
It's no wonder that these wonderful, magical creatures have permeated my art.

So when Faerie Magazine called and asked me if I would write a tutorial for their next publication,
I was delighted!

Faerie Magazine is a wonderful publication celebrating the fairy kingdom.
It is beautifully done, with stories of the little folk and beautiful art of the fae.
And in an issue a few years ago, they added a new section called,
 "Magical Sweets and Enchanted Treats"--

where they published the complete tutorial to create
Marshmallow Fairy Flowers.
I have since added it to my tutorials on my blog. 
These little flowers that will be a great topper for any confection,
such as cookies, candy, mini-cakes or petit fours.

If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy tales.
 If you want them to be geniuses, read them more fairy tales.
 ~Albert Einstein
Have a magical day!


  1. Those. Figures. Are. Amazing! And the little flowers! So beautifully done.

  2. Jacque!! That is so totally awesome!!! You make beautiful fairies. The fairy flowers are amazingly cute!!
